Central City Edge

We’re proud of our efforts and are set on a course for an even stronger future.

We are driving the paradigm change The financial industry is on the verge of a paradigm change and Central City Edge is proactively shaping that transition. It is the pioneer of a new culture and total transparency in banking. While other commercial sectors – the book trade, music industry and media world, to name just a few – have undergone dramatic fundamental change and developed further, the banking industry in many places is still functioning the same way it did twenty years ago.
Innovative companies such as Amazon and Apple have long focused resolutely on customer benefit. The financial industry, however, has gone in the opposite direction. It has decoupled from the real economy: back in the 1980s, the cumulative assets of all banks in the world roughly equalled the global gross national product – today, those assets are five times as large. The current volume of derivative financial instruments is twenty times what is was a quarter of a century ago.
In the process, the complexity of the financial world has increased and the transparency decreased. Alone in Switzerland there are more than 7000 investment funds on the market. Hardly anyone has a clear overview of that universe. Investors know ever less about where and how their money is invested.


We successfully built up the world’s leading asset manager for sustainable investments, SAM Sustainable Asset Management (today, robecoSAM).

In collaboration with Dow Jones, we set a milestone by developing the Dow Jones Sustainability Index (DJSI).

As analysts and portfolio managers, we developed sustainability investment funds and private equity funds for institutional investors. Since then, we have been investing successfully in themes such as Water, Energy, Natural Resources and Climate.

We have advised globally leading companies: We supported companies such as Nestlé, Swiss Re and Starbucks in their efforts to credibly integrate sustainability into their strategies, products and services (SustainAbility).

We have played a key role in the international debate

As CEOs as well as members of executive committees and foundation councils, we have accumulated a wealth of valuable experiences. Joined together today at Central City Edge, we convey this know-how to our clients.

Securing fast Loans for both Personal & Business purpose

Get personal loans for your family, housing and auto-mobile, loans that are easily accessible with a very small interest fees. Over the years we have naintained the standards of giving out faster and easy to pay back loans to our clients all over the world.

It’s important to monitor your business’ incoming and outgoing payments so you know where your cash flow stands. With the right reporting and analysis tool like SinglePoint Essentials, you can perform effective reporting and manage payments so you can ensure you have the funds to keep your business running smoothly. If your cash flow is projected to fall short, having a business line of credit can help.

We are the best in the banking industry with lots of stats and smaller loan interests

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